Saturday, October 17, 2009

To Soar with the Eagles

Jesus came that we may live life to the fullest. He came to heal not only are bodies but are harts and souls as well. He is standing in front of us with His arms open wide waiting to embrace us with His love. So often we think that we need to get are life in order so that He will take us in. The truth is that God wants us the just we are. That way He can bring His glory to clean us up and show the world that He make beauty from our pain. Jesus loved the people that the world rejected. People who the world has written off as junkies, failures, drunks, losers. He Himself was written off by the people He came to save on the day that He died for us. How great is His love when at any time He could have called down millions of angles to wipe us all out while he hung on the cross for our sins. How often do we look at what he did and say that was not for me. I am not good, I am not holy, and I do not pray as often as I should, I have not read my bible in weeks. We can not hide from God he see all that we do and loves us any way. God wants to take our pain and hurt all the bricks that people put on us as well as the one we put on ourselves to hold us down, that we may soar with the eagles. God loves a mess because He wants to clean it up. He wants the world to know that He is the master and can fix all things. We will never understand how He works if we look at the world with the eyes that we now have. We must see the world as God see it. While He knows our pain and the evil that we do. He desires to fix it and love each one of us. How many people have I written off, how many do I not love, how many do I hate? I need to see the world as God see it a broken place in need of love and healing. I need to put others first and lift them up, I also need to let others see my pain and let them help me. If we do not let others help us we rod them of the blessing of services and the joy of seeing a person healed by the love of God. Lets us embrace God and let Him teach us to soar with the eagles.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I must say I have found school to be harder then I thought it would be. I had no idea it would take up so much of my time and the things I would have to give up to do great at it. I also did not know I would be learning other things that have little to do with fashion but have a lot to do with leaning other tools to be a success in this journey. I have had to learn about Power Point which is something I had wanted to do for a while but never took the time to. I have had to learn more about Word then I ever knew you could do. Time management was something I was good at back when I did social work but I have forgotten all about that since I started working for Quality Container. I have to make choices to not spend time with friends so that I could do home work. I have had to ask for help from friends so that I could do my home work. I knew that when I started down this path some people would think I was wasting my time and money. I also knew that I had to try this to see if I had it in me. One of the most shocking things is some of the people who have come out to support me and tell me they think it is a great idea. I still do not know if this will lead me out of driving truck for work but I know that all the things I learn no one can take away from me. The hardest parts of the classes are just around the corner but I have no doubt that I will do my best and give it my all. Because at the end of the day I will remember that all I do, I do it for the One who has given me the desire and skill to do what needs to be done. As long as I learn something from this no matter what people say I have not failed.