Thursday, August 13, 2009

The things to come

I will be starting School on Aug 29with my golf class. Then come Monday the 31 I will have my two real classes Intro to Fashion and Phys of Clothing. I must say that I am a little scared of taking this on as I have never been a very good student. But I think that if I give it my all I will be able to do great things. As part of giving it my all I will no longer be volunteering at Capitol on Sundays. After 4 years September 6th will be my last Sunday for volunteering but what a day to call it quits on the Bar-B-Que. I will still do Saturday nights but no more Sundays. I must say that I am looking forward to getting to do what ever I want on Sunday. Check out other churches, sleep in, just go to church, may even some golf I don't think golfing on Sunday is a sin.
Mondays will be very crazy for me I will get up at 7 and leave for work. Come home shower and change then go to school till 10:00pm But with both classes on Monday that should give me plenty of time to get all my home work done. So we will see what this new journey will bring for me good or bad it will be something new and never done by me before.


Bethany said...

I know you can do it, Dave! I think you'll have fun studying something you actually like - it makes all the difference. And if you need inspiration, we can have study parties. I'm actually studying computer programming on my own and Matthias always has extra work, so we could all hang out and work sometimes if you want :).

Alfred Kalyanapu said...

Welcome back to the club (of schoolgoers!!!)... hee hee...
